Keep the Faith

This is the place for stories that inspire, encourage, and remind me that we aren't in this life alone. 
A reminder to Keep The Faith. They are meaningful words to me and my family. The following is one such story:

Years ago at a local football game in Navarre, Florida, I met a family who had just lost their son to a two year battle with brain cancer. He was a senior in high school and an excellent athlete and football player. His name was Ian Lockwood.

His mother told me that from the time he was a little boy he wore a Livestrong bracelet. She said back then she would ask him why he wore it and he said he wore it for all those people who fought cancer. She also said that when Ian was diagnosed with cancer he took that moto one step further and created his own moto of: Live for Today, Fight for Tomorrow, Livestrong. His community had those words stamped onto bracelets for people to wear to show support for Ian's battle against cancer.

After Ian's diagnosis, his mother said he decided to Livestrong whatever life he had left. She said he had a bucket list of sorts that included going away with his friends, with no parents, just to experience what college life might be like even though he was very sick. And just three weeks before his death he went to Colorado to snowboard with Shaun White.

His story also caught the eye of Urban Meyer and the Gator football team. They befriended him and his family and invited them to come watch their football games. At the end of that season, after Florida's win at the Outback Bowl game, Ian was presented with the game ball. The story of his relationship with the Gators was on ESPN television

After I went back to our motorhome that night, I googled Ian's name and read many articles written about him before he passed away and after. They all had the same message about what a great inspiration he had been to his family, friends, and community and also to a much larger national audience that followed his story through his connection with the Gators. Some talked about how they never really knew what the concept of Livestrong meant, but understood it now that Ian showed them what it meant to Livestrong.

His mother said one night before Ian passed away, they were talking about Tim Tebow and what an example and inspiration he has been for many people. She said Ian said he wanted to be like that, but he didn't think he reached that many people with his message Live for Today, Fight for Tomorrow, Livestrong. He told his mother he thought he had only reached about a third of the people he wanted to touch, but his mother said she told him he had touched many more than he knew.

I believe his mother is right. Even though I didn't know Ian personally, I was inspired by what I heard about how he chose to Live for Today, Fight for Tomorrow, and how he Livedstrong right up to the end. He may have run out of time in his battle with cancer, but his spirit is still livingstrong and spreading his message through his family, friends, and community to people like me and now

                                                    Be inspired and Keep the Faith.